Tag: workout

Exercise Over Age 50: Tips + What to Avoid

Busy lives, kids, grandchildren, work and other commitments often means we put ourselves last. Life's chaos means that sometimes on our list of priorities, exercise is not top of mind, if it's even there at all. But as we age, there are more reasons...

3 FREE ways to try AIR CHARLOTTE for Indoor Fun & Fitness in August

The dog days of summer are here and with 100+ temps in the month of July we are downright fearful of the weather August may bring. AIR® CHARLOTTE owner Kerri Flanagan has come to the recue and hooked scoopcharlotte up with a few killer (FREE)...

Is there life after Lululemon?

With the recent opening of Athleta at Southpark giving popular brand Lululemon a run for their money, we got to wondering what other fitness apparel options were available to help us mix up our yoga/spin/barre/run gear. We talked to some local fitness experts at...