Tag: orthocarolina

Our Most Popular Health & Wellness posts from 2016

If ever there is a time to turn the focus on your health and wellness, the start of a new year is it. Sure we all want to start that new diet fad, but don't forget about your muscles, bones and joints when considering...

Sports Injuries and Kids: What You Need to Know

We like to think of kids playing sports as tiny juggernauts who can bounce back from anything that's thrown their way, but the truth is that sports injuries in children are more common than you might think. We spoke to PA Scot Rheinecker with OrthoCarolina in...

Is a Standing Desk Really Worth It?

medical, desk
Last year, we published this article on Standing Desks the major health benefits they offer. Our friends at ORTHOCAROLINA, Logan Stewart and Tim Pysell, gave us tips from their own transitions from sitting at work to standing. A lot can change in a year. For one thing, NPR...

Your Glute Strength. Why it is Critical and Why Many Women Suffer Without it.

Whether you love yours or you hate them, your glutes do much more than just give you extra curves. OrthoCarolina Physical Therapist Chris Gabriel gave us the low down on our backside, including how to find out if our glutes are firing, how to make them stronger...

What is Kinesiology Tape and Why is it All Over People?

You might have seen it around your gym or on your TV during the Olympics: what appears to be a brightly colored spider web via attack by a psychedelic spider all over your fellow fitness comrades. Kinesiology tape doesn't just look cool. It packs a big punch...

So You Think You Can Be a NASCAR Driver? One of Their Trainers Tells Us All About It.

Some people may think NASCAR drivers aren't athletes. Drive your car fast, turn left ... what's so athletic about that? But Physical Therapist Ken Breath, OrthoCarolina's manager of motorsports outreach, strongly disagrees. Ken's worked with hundreds of drivers (and pit crew members) on everything from post-wreck...

Final Update ~ Great Tips from OrthoCarolina’s Physical Therapists

October is more than national pumpkin spiced everything month, it is also National Physical Therapy Month. If you are an athlete, are over 60, or have had any serious injury, you have no doubt spent time ~ some painful and some pleasant ~ with these key...

24 Hours in the Life of Angela Shirk — Nascar Athletic / Pit Crew Trainer

Angela Shirk is in the ultimate boys' club. As one of the only female trainers in NASCAR, she helps make sure drivers are in tip-top physical shape for the road ahead. It's a long and demanding season (38 weeks from February to November) when...

Avoid Heavy Backpack Issues with These Tips and How Tos.

As school ramps up, so does homework, which means your students could be carting more books and papers around in their backpacks. All that weight can wreak havoc on small and growing spines, so we asked Physical Therapist Andrea Johnson at OrthoCarolina Huntersville what we...

Could You Save a Life? Local High School Student Campaigns for Hands-Only CPR

On August 28 Elizabeth Cohen cooked her 16-year-old son Billy his favorite dessert: Nestle Tollhouse cookie bars. It wasn't Billy's birthday; it was the one-year anniversary of the day he almost died, and would have if not for the quick actions of staff at Providence Day...

Fast Twitch vs Slow Twitch Muscle and How It May Affect Your Training

Do you love sprinting but the thought of a marathon makes you cringe? And does it seem like your friend could easily run 100 miles in a day without blinking an eye? It could all be in your genetics, thanks to the number of...

Here’s a Pre Race Checklist to help you get ready for your Fall Runs.

It's almost here! The OrthoCarolina 10k Classic on August 20th is quickly approaching, along with all the other fall 5Ks, 10Ks, and marathons- 'tis the season. If you're anything like me, you live for checklists and get deep satisfaction in crossing lines off of those...

About Osteoporosis – Risk Factors, Prevention, and Treatments

Studies show about half of women age 50 or older will suffer a broken bone as a result of Osteoporosis, but fortunately we can start preventing bone density loss at any age. We spoke to OrthoCarolina PA Jennifer Suckow, who told us everything we need...

Running Gear Reco’s for your Training

Whether you're running the 10k, 5k, or the fun run, the right running gear can shave precious seconds off of your finish time. Sure a poor craftsman blames his tools and all that jazz, but those "tools" can make a huge difference in the running world....

Here’s My Summer 2016 Running Playlist

Saturday, June 25th, 6:55 am: Wake up, drag my tired bones to the bathroom- this is not a normal weekend wakeup time for me. Brush my teeth, don't even bother with makeup (it will just melt off in the NC summer sauna), change into some...

Hip Pain: What Can Go Wrong and How to Avoid It

Most of us don't give much thought to our hips unless they're having trouble squeezing into last year's dress or causing us physical pain. Dr. Keith Fehring from OrthoCarolina's Hip and Knee Center can't help you much with the first issue, but he's spent his career...